It is a hard question to ask yourself and an even harder one to answer. Do you need a divorce lawyer? The answer really depends on your particular situation and the laws of the state. In some cases, you and your spouse may be able to work out all the details amicably and without complications. Then there are times that you may not be able to do that at all. In most cases, the nature of your relationship, the complexity of your financial arrangements, or even just the makeup of your family is going to determine if you need a lawyer. 

What reasons would mean you need a lawyer? 

  1. You Fear Abuse or Retaliation From Your Spouse 

If you are afraid that your spouse will abuse you or your children, or will retaliate in any way, then you should hire a lawyer. That is as simple as it gets. A lawyer is going to act as both an advocate for your best interests but also a bugger zone between you and your spouse. Divorces can get messy and if you fear for your safety a lawyer can also direct you to obtain an order of protection. 

  1. The Stress is too Much

Even with the most amicable of relationships divorces are stressful times and riddled with emotions. When you are stressed you don’t make the best decisions and those can be costly in a divorce. There is the possibility that you are going to be in over your head and that when a divorce lawyer can help you. They can do the heavy lifting so to speak and guide you through the process. 

  1. Your Finacial Situtiaion is Complex

If your finances are complex or closely intertwined with your spouse’s then hiring a divorce lawyer makes sense. A lawyer can help you untangle the finances and make sure that each side is treated fairly. When you work with a lawyer you are making sure that your home and other assets are properly valued so you can receive an equitable division. It can also make sure that child support and other funds are taken care of. 

  1. Wanting a Clear and Binding Agreement 

The details of a divorce can be complex and when you add on the legal-speak it can get confusing. A lawyer understands the subtleties of the law and can make sure that your divorce agreements are properly worded on the right documentation. Not only that a good lawyer is going to make sure that both parties understand the agreement.